

2 Monaten vor1058 min

The Chamber of Advertising is a premier initiative of the Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC), dedicated to advancing the advertising industry’s growth, innovation, and influence across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. As a unifying platform for advertisers, agencies, media organizations, and technology providers, the Chamber fosters collaboration and promotes excellence in creative communications. Mission and Objectives The Chamber’s mission is to strengthen the advertising ecosystem by fostering innovation, advocating for ethical practices, and equipping...

Kammer für 3D-Druck und fortschrittliche Fertigung

The Chamber of 3D Printing and Advanced Manufacturing is a flagship initiative under the Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC), established to accelerate the adoption and integration of cutting-edge manufacturing technologies across industries in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. The Chamber serves as a central platform for innovation, collaboration, and strategic development, positioning the region as a global leader in advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 technologies. Mission and Objectives The Chamber is dedicated to fostering...

Mitgliedschaftsbestimmungen der Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC)

Article 1: Membership Categories   The Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC) offers a structured membership system to accommodate a diverse range of organizations and individuals committed to advancing its mission. Membership categories are designed to promote engagement, collaboration, and leadership, reflecting APCIC’s inclusive and comprehensive approach to regional economic integration and sustainable development. Council Membership   Council Membership represents the highest level of engagement within APCIC’s governance framework. This category is reserved for entities...

Struktur und Komitees des APCIC

The Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC) operates through a comprehensive governance structure, ensuring strategic decision-making, operational efficiency, and inclusive member participation. Its framework integrates leadership bodies, functional committees, and specialized platforms to address regional priorities, foster collaboration, and achieve sustainable growth.   Organizational Structure   General Assembly Role: The General Assembly is the supreme decision-making body, representing all APCIC members. Responsibilities: Approving the annual budget and key organizational policies. Electing APCIC’s leadership, including Executive...

Veranstaltung zum Innovationsaustausch: Zusammenarbeit fördern und Kreativität vorantreiben

The Innovation Exchange Event, recently held at a distinguished conference venue, brought together thought leaders, industry pioneers, and innovation practitioners to deliberate on cutting-edge advancements and cross-sector collaboration. The event aimed to establish a premier platform for dialogue and partnership, catalyzing the exploration of transformative technologies and groundbreaking solutions. A keynote speaker delivered a compelling address, emphasizing the critical role of innovation in addressing complex global challenges and fostering sustainable growth. Her discourse encompassed strategic...

Satzung des Asiatisch-Pazifischen Handels- und Industrieverbands (APCIC)

This Constitution outlines the principles, governance structure, membership rights, and operational framework of the Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC), established to foster regional economic cooperation, innovation, and sustainable development across the Asia-Pacific region. Preamble The Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC) is established as a premier multilateral organization committed to fostering economic integration, promoting sustainable development, and advancing regional prosperity across the Asia-Pacific. Guided by the principles of inclusivity, collaboration, and transparency, APCIC endeavors...

Katar nimmt an der 40. Sitzung des Ständigen Ausschusses für wirtschaftliche und handelspolitische Zusammenarbeit der Organisation für Islamische Zusammenarbeit (COMCEC) teil

His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Qassim Al Thani, Minister of Commerce and Industry, led Qatar’s delegation at the 40th session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The meetings, held in Istanbul from November 2 to 5, 2024, brought together member states to discuss and advance economic and trade cooperation among OIC countries. The opening session of the Ministerial meeting featured a speech...

APCIC-Vertreter treffen sich mit kanadischer Indo-Pazifik-Führung

In a significant diplomatic engagement, the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC) and the Deputy Secretary-General of APCIC held a high-level meeting with the Assistant Deputy Minister for Indo-Pacific Affairs at Global Affairs Canada, who also serves as Canada’s Senior Official Meeting (SOM) Leader. This interaction underscored the mutual commitment to fostering deeper collaboration between Canada and the Asia-Pacific region. The meeting focused on shared priorities, including enhancing economic...
