Guía de inversiones y comercio de Grecia 2024: Perspectivas estratégicas para los miembros de la APCIC

Oficial de la APCIC1 mes hace1328 min

The Asia-Pacific Commerce and Industry Confederation (APCIC) is pleased to present this guide to Greece, a country with a rich cultural heritage, strategic location, and a rapidly growing economy. This report provides insights into Greece’s economic landscape, key industries, trade policies, taxation framework, and strategic recommendations for APCIC members exploring opportunities in this dynamic Mediterranean market.

1. Panorama económico

Greece, with a GDP of approximately $270 billion in 2023, is a gateway between Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Following a period of economic reforms and recovery, Greece is now a vibrant and attractive destination for trade and investment.

Indicadores económicos clave:

  • Crecimiento del PIB: Estimated at 2.8% in 2023, driven by tourism, exports, and infrastructure investments.
  • Población: Approximately 10.3 million, with an urbanized and increasingly skilled workforce.
  • Tasa de inflación: Stabilized at 4.2% in 2023, reflecting effective economic policies.

2. Industrias clave

Greece’s economy is anchored in traditional strengths while embracing modernization and innovation:

  • Turismo y hostelería: A global leader in tourism, with iconic destinations like Athens, Santorini, and Crete attracting millions of visitors annually.
  • Shipping and Maritime: Greece controls over 20% of the world’s merchant fleet, making it a key player in global shipping and logistics.
  • Energías renovables: Investments in wind, solar, and offshore energy projects are central to Greece’s green transition.
  • Agricultura y agroalimentación: Renowned for olive oil, wine, and seafood, Greece is a major exporter of premium and organic products.
  • Construction and Infrastructure: Major projects in transport, energy, and urban renewal are driving growth.
  • Technology and Startups: Greece’s burgeoning tech scene, supported by government incentives, is attracting regional and global investors.

3. Políticas comerciales

Greece’s trade policies are shaped by its European Union (EU) membership and Mediterranean trade partnerships:

  • Adhesión a la Unión Europea: Greece benefits from free trade within the EU’s single market and EU-negotiated agreements with global economies.
  • Regional Trade Hub: Positioned at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Greece facilitates trade across continents.
  • Aduanas y facilitación del comercio: Efficient customs procedures and alignment with EU standards support seamless trade operations.

4. Marco fiscal

Greece’s tax system has been restructured to encourage foreign investment:

  • Impuesto de sociedades: Reduced to 22%, with incentives for investments in renewable energy, R&D, and tourism.
  • Impuesto sobre el valor añadido (IVA): Standard rate of 24%, with reduced rates of 13% and 6% for essential goods and services.
  • Impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas: Progressive rates range from 9% to 44%, depending on income levels.
  • Incentivos a la inversión: Tax credits and grants are available for priority sectors such as renewable energy, tourism, and infrastructure.

5. Clima de inversión

Greece offers a stable and increasingly attractive environment for foreign investment:

  • Ubicación estratégica: At the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Greece is a gateway for trade and logistics.
  • Mano de obra cualificada: A well-educated and multilingual workforce supports industries like technology, shipping, and tourism.
  • Infraestructura: Modern ports, airports, and energy networks enable efficient business operations.
  • Sustainability Goals: Greece is advancing in green energy projects and sustainable tourism, aligning with global trends.
  • Ecosistema de innovación: Government support for tech startups and innovation hubs fosters growth in emerging industries.

6. Recomendaciones estratégicas

For APCIC members considering investments or trade in Greece:

  1. Expand in Tourism and Hospitality: Invest in eco-tourism, luxury accommodations, and cultural tourism to capitalize on Greece’s global appeal.
  2. Leverage Shipping Expertise: Collaborate in maritime services, logistics, and port development to access global trade networks.
  3. Participar en proyectos de energías renovables: Explore wind, solar, and offshore energy initiatives aligned with Greece’s decarbonization goals.
  4. Invest in Agri-Food Exports: Partner with Greek producers to export premium olive oil, wine, and seafood to Asia-Pacific markets.
  5. Engage in Infrastructure Development: Contribute to transport, energy, and urban renewal projects supported by public-private partnerships.
  6. Tap into Technology Growth: Collaborate with Greek startups and tech hubs, particularly in fintech, AI, and cleantech.


Greece’s strategic location, diverse economy, and emphasis on sustainability make it an ideal destination for trade and investment. APCIC members are encouraged to use this guide to navigate opportunities in Greece and establish a strong presence in one of the Mediterranean’s most dynamic and promising markets.

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