


"(《世界人权宣言》) 商会会员 亚太工商联合会(APCIC)的商会会员资格为组织和机构提供了积极参与特定行业活动、与地区和全球利益相关者合作的机会。总商会会员资格旨在为各行各业的企业和专业人士提供服务,将会员与对话、创新和跨境合作的专业平台联系起来。





  • 从事特定行业活动的企业、中小企业和跨国公司。
  • 行业协会、贸易组织和宣传团体。
  • 与商会重点领域相一致的研究机构、非营利组织和政府机构。


  • 行业网络:与您所在行业的主要参与者、专家和决策者建立联系。
  • 合作机会:参与跨境项目、合资企业和区域倡议。
  • 独家见解:获取特定行业的报告、研究和市场趋势。
  • 知名度和影响力:通过亚太信通中心的平台和活动展示贵组织的领导力。
  • 政策宣传:为制定影响行业的政策和战略做出贡献。


  1. 商会会员单位:参与商会的特定活动,获得资源和活动的基本使用权。
  2. 商会副会长单位:领导商会内部的项目和倡议,提升品牌和参与机会。
  3. 商会会长单位:为商会制定战略方向,享受优质品牌,并在亚太工商业促进中心的平台上代表您的行业。




"(《世界人权宣言》) 商会会员单位 亚洲及太平洋信息和通信技术促进中心的专业行业商会中的入门级会员。该类别专为那些希望与业内同行积极互动、获得有针对性的资源、并为推动本行业在亚太地区的发展做出贡献的企业、组织和机构而设计。商会会员单位通过应对特定行业的挑战、推动合作和促进创新,在支持亚洲及太平洋信息和通信技术促进中心的商会使命方面发挥着至关重要的作用。




  • 商业和企业:希望扩大影响力、获取市场情报并加强行业联系的大中小型公司。
  • 行业协会和贸易组织:代表特定部门或利益的机构,贡献其专业知识和宣传能力。
  • 非营利组织:支持与商会工作重点一致的可持续发展、教育或社会活动的实体。
  • 研究机构和智囊团:提供思想领导力、研究和创新见解的学术或独立组织。
  • 政府机构:地方、国家或地区当局支持其管辖范围内的贸易、投资和产业增长。



  1. 交流机会:参加商会主办的论坛、行业活动,以及与您所在行业的主要参与者、专家和决策者进行交流的会议。
  2. 行业洞察与情报:独家获取商会制作的报告、市场分析和特定行业研究。
  3. 参与倡议和项目:参与商会领导的项目,应对挑战或探索行业机遇。
  4. 政策宣传支持:在地区和国际层面参与制定行业政策和做法的对话。
  5. 知名度和认可度:列入商会官方会员名录,展示贵组织对行业进步的积极贡献。




  • 积极参与:通过参与讨论、分享见解和项目合作,为商会的倡议做出贡献。
  • 知识共享:利用贵组织的专业知识,支持商会促进创新和可持续增长的使命。
  • 宣传: Promote policies and practices that align with your industry’s development goals and APCIC’s values.

Why Join as a Chamber Member Unit?


Chamber Member Units gain a unique opportunity to:

  • Expand Influence: Strengthen your organization’s presence and reputation within your sector and across the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Foster Collaboration: Build relationships with industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to drive collective progress.
  • Access Resources: Stay informed and competitive with exclusive access to insights, data, and events.
  • Shape the Future: Play an active role in addressing challenges and shaping the trajectory of your industry.


Chamber Vice President Units Overview


"(《世界人权宣言》) 商会副会长单位 represent a prestigious tier of membership within APCIC’s specialized industry Chambers. Reserved for influential organizations and institutions with a strong commitment to leadership and collaboration, this category empowers members to take an active role in shaping the strategic direction of their respective Chamber. Chamber Vice President Units are recognized as pivotal contributors to industry progress, driving impactful initiatives and fostering meaningful connections across the Asia-Pacific region.




Chamber Vice President Units are open to:

  • Established Enterprises: Prominent businesses with significant influence in their industry and a commitment to fostering regional collaboration.
  • Industry Leaders: Organizations recognized for their contributions to innovation, sustainability, or leadership within their sector.
  • Trade Associations and Advocacy Bodies: Entities with a history of shaping industry standards and policies.
  • Institutions and Think Tanks: Research bodies and non-profits offering thought leadership and strategic insights.


Core Features of Chamber Vice President Units


  1. Leadership and Influence: Vice President Units are positioned as leaders within their Chamber, with opportunities to co-lead projects, chair task forces, and represent the Chamber at regional and international events.
  2. Exclusive Access: Invitations to high-level meetings, exclusive roundtables, and closed-door discussions with policymakers and industry leaders.
  3. Branding and Visibility: Prominent recognition as a Chamber Vice President Unit in APCIC publications, event materials, and digital platforms.
  4. 合作机会: Enhanced opportunities to partner with other Vice President Units, industry leaders, and policymakers on cross-border projects and initiatives.
  5. Priority Engagement in Chamber Activities: Participation in strategic Chamber committees and working groups.

Responsibilities of Chamber Vice President Units


  • Active Leadership: Take a proactive role in shaping Chamber policies and initiatives, ensuring alignment with industry goals.
  • Knowledge Contribution: Share expertise, best practices, and insights to enrich Chamber discussions and outputs.
  • Advocacy and Representation: Represent the Chamber at key events and support its mission to advance industry priorities across the Asia-Pacific.


Why Join as a Chamber Vice President Unit?


Becoming a Chamber Vice President Unit allows your organization to:

  • Drive Change: Play a leading role in defining and implementing strategies that shape the future of your industry.
  • Gain Visibility: Achieve prominent recognition as a leader and innovator within your sector.
  • Access Exclusive Resources: Leverage high-level insights, networks, and opportunities to maintain a competitive edge.
  • Expand Collaboration: Partner with top organizations, policymakers, and stakeholders to create impactful outcomes.




"(《世界人权宣言》) 商会会长单位 represent the highest level of leadership within APCIC’s industry-specific Chambers. This prestigious membership tier is reserved for organizations and institutions that are recognized as trailblazers in their fields and demonstrate a strong commitment to driving industry innovation, sustainability, and regional collaboration. Chamber President Units set the strategic direction for their respective Chambers, playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of their industries within the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.




Chamber President Units are open to:

  • Industry Pioneers: Enterprises and organizations recognized for their exceptional contributions to their industries and leadership in innovation.
  • Global Leaders: Multinational corporations and influential institutions with a significant presence in the Asia-Pacific and a commitment to fostering cross-border partnerships.
  • Thought Leaders and Visionaries: Organizations driving transformative projects and setting benchmarks in sustainability, technology, or governance.


Core Features of Chamber President Units


  1. Strategic Leadership: President Units hold the top leadership position within their Chamber, steering its strategy and initiatives.
  2. Exclusive Access: Invitations to high-level dialogues, private roundtables, and closed-door discussions with global industry leaders, policymakers, and key stakeholders.
  3. Influence and Advocacy: President Units lead policy advocacy efforts on behalf of their Chamber, representing their industry’s interests at regional and international platforms.
  4. Prominent Branding and Visibility: Recognition as a Chamber President Unit across APCIC’s platforms, events, and publications.
  5. Collaboration and Partnerships: Priority opportunities to partner with other leaders, institutions, and governments on transformative projects and cross-border collaborations.
  6. Priority Engagement: Exclusive involvement in shaping the themes, topics, and objectives of Chamber activities and events.

Responsibilities of Chamber President Units


  • Vision Setting: Define and articulate the strategic vision for the Chamber, ensuring alignment with industry needs and global trends.
  • Leadership and Representation: Act as the primary representative of the Chamber at key APCIC and international events.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Foster collaboration among members, policymakers, and external partners to advance the Chamber’s mission.


Why Join as a Chamber President Unit?


By becoming a Chamber President Unit, your organization will:

  • Set the Agenda: Lead the strategic direction of your industry, influencing policies and driving impactful initiatives.
  • Achieve Elite Visibility: Gain premium recognition as a leader and innovator within your sector.
  • Access Exclusive Networks: Build relationships with top industry leaders, policymakers, and global stakeholders.
  • Drive Transformation: Spearhead projects and collaborations that shape the future of your industry in the Asia-Pacific and beyond.


Based on organizational size and revenue
  • Access to industry-specific forums, workshops, and networking events.
  • Connection with industry leaders, policymakers, and experts.
  • Regular updates on sector trends, market reports, and regulatory changes.
  • Access to Chamber-specific research and analysis.
  • Inclusion in the Chamber membership directory.
  • Acknowledgment in Chamber publications and event materials.
  • Participation in Chamber-led initiatives and working groups.
  • Eligibility to join multi-stakeholder projects within the Chamber.
Chamber VP Units
Based on organizational influence and level of engagement
  • Eligibility to chair working groups and lead task forces.
  • Priority involvement in strategic initiatives and advocacy efforts.
  • Invitations to closed-door meetings and high-level discussions with policymakers.
  • 提前获取商会报告、研究和倡议。
  • 作为副会长单位在商会宣传中树立了突出的品牌形象。
  • 在活动材料和出版物中优先刊登。
  • 与顶级会员和全球利益相关者的独家交流机会。
  • 有机会为政策建议和地区战略做出贡献。
  • 商会高层代表,包括指导战略举措。
  • 有权提出并领导旗舰项目或计划。
  • 作为商会会长单位在亚太信通技术培训中心平台上获得高级认可。
  • 在商会和亚太信息与通信技术促进中心的主要活动中突出品牌。
  • 在培训中心的出版物和宣传材料中设立专门的专题栏目。
  • 活动和论坛的独家赞助机会。
  • 受邀参加与地区政策制定者和全球领导人的精英讨论。
  • 获取对行业领先地位至关重要的专有数据、见解和报告。
  • 直接参与制定监管框架和行业政策。
  • 在地区和国际平台上代表商会。