
英国投资与贸易指南 2024》:亚太信息和通信技术促进中心成员的战略洞察

作为亚太工商联合会(APCIC),我们很高兴为会员提供一份有关英国投资和贸易机会的综合指南。本报告涵盖了英国的经济概况、主要产业、贸易政策、税收框架和战略建议,以支持亚太工商联合会会员开拓这一著名的欧洲市场。1.经济概况 英国由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成,是世界第六大经济体。其国内生产总值...

美国投资与贸易指南 2024》:亚太信息和通信技术促进中心成员的战略洞察

作为亚太工商联合会(APCIC),我们很高兴为会员提供一份全面的美国投资和贸易指南。本报告探讨了美国的经济格局、主要产业、贸易政策、税收框架和战略建议,以帮助亚太工商联合会会员在这个世界最大的经济体中把握机遇。1.经济概况 美国在2023年的GDP约为$26万亿美元,是全球最大的经济体,贡献了...

中国投资贸易指南 2024》:亚太信息中心会员的战略洞察

作为亚太工商联合会(APCIC),我们很高兴为会员提供一份详尽的中国投资与贸易指南。本报告涵盖了中国经济的主要方面、主要产业、贸易政策、税收框架和战略建议,以支持会员在这个世界上最大、最具活力的市场之一发掘机遇。1.经济概况 中国仍然是全球经济强国,为全球经济增长做出了巨大贡献。2023 年,中国...

菲律宾投资与贸易指南 2024》:亚太信息中心成员的战略洞察

作为亚太工商联合会(APCIC),我们很高兴为您提供一份全面的菲律宾投资与贸易指南。本报告深入探讨了菲律宾的经济格局、主要产业、贸易政策、税收框架和战略建议,以帮助亚太工商联合会成员在这个充满活力的东南亚市场上把握机遇。1.经济概况 菲律宾是一个由 7000 多个岛屿组成的群岛国家,是通往充满活力的东盟地区的门户。2023 年,菲律宾...

马来西亚投资与贸易指南 2024》:亚太信息中心成员的战略洞察

作为亚太工商联合会(APCIC),我们很高兴为会员提供一份全面的马来西亚投资与贸易指南。本报告以权威的最新经济数据为支撑,深入分析了马来西亚的经济格局、主要产业、贸易政策、税收框架和战略建议。1.经济概况 马来西亚位于东南亚的战略要地,是该地区重要的经济和贸易枢纽。截至 2023 年,马来西亚的毛...


H.E. Mr. Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, delivered a keynote address at the seminar titled “Thailand and Germany: Perspectives and Opportunities in the Indo-Pacific.” The event, held in Berlin, Germany, was co-organized by the Royal Thai Embassy in Berlin and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), bringing together leaders and experts to discuss the evolving dynamics of the Indo-Pacific region. In his speech, DPM/FM Parnpree emphasized the Indo-Pacific’s strategic...


In a significant meeting that brought together key stakeholders from diverse sectors, representatives from government, business, and diplomacy convened to discuss avenues for enhancing economic cooperation and fostering long-term partnerships. Held in a formal setting, the gathering provided a platform for exchanging ideas and building synergies to address shared challenges and opportunities. The participants, representing different countries and industries, emphasized the importance of collaboration in navigating today’s complex global landscape. Topics discussed ranged from trade...


At the close of the Thirteenth International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Regional Commissions (RECs) issued a unified call for accelerated global action to achieve an equitable and sustainable energy future. Convened in Bangkok, the Forum brought together government leaders, industry stakeholders, and experts from across five UN regions — Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Western Asia — to drive forward coordinated action on...

由外贸国务大臣率领的卡塔尔国代表团参加在印度举行的 "2024 年印度工商会合作伙伴峰会

The State of Qatar, represented by a delegation led by H.E. Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Sayed, Minister of State for Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, took part in the 29th edition of “The CII Partnership Summit 2024” which took place in New Delhi, India, from December 2–3. Qatar’s involvement in the Partnership Summit underscores its commitment to enhancing trade and investment ties with the Republic of India while showcasing the country’s...
